Peter Pluymers


Name: Peter Pluymers
Position: Writer
Born: Genk, Belgium
Living: Kortessem, Belgium

How I got into movies: I can still remember me sitting next to my dad in a small cinema, when I was 6/7 years old, watching “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from Walt Disney. But my love for motion pictures started when I was 11 and saw “Star Wars : A New Hope” on a big screen. From that moment on, I was addicted to watching movies. So, don’t ask me how many I saw. I don’t know the answer.

What I love about movies: It’s another reality. Another world. A surrounding that allows you to experience different things. There’s nothing that can generate a wide range of feelings and emotions as a motion picture can. You can laugh, cry, shiver and be scared while watching a good movie.

Favourite Films: I hate this question because there are so many movies I love. Here’s a small selection : The Shawshank Redemption, Prisoners, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Schindler’s List, A Monster Calls, The Exorcist, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Forrest Gump, Se7en, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Beautiful Boy, Aliens, Die Hard, The Evil Dead etc. etc. etc.

Favourite Actors: When I was younger I liked actors like Bruce Willis and Tom Hanks. Nowadays I admire Jake Gyllenhaal and Matthew McConaughey.

Why I started writing: It was my wife’s idea to start a blog and share my opinion about movies I’ve seen. Never thought it would still be my favorite hobby.

Favourite Genres: I watch almost every genre (except Musicals and chick flicks). But my absolute favorite is horror and SF/Fantasy.

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